Monday, January 17, 2011


No!  Not ready!  Not ready yet!  Don't wake me up yet!  Oh... no...
Good Morning, Pain.

Now I have to get up because I can't stand lying here with you for another second. 

Maybe I could get up and you could just stay here? 
No?  C'mon!  ...just this once? 

It's good to be stupid when you first wake up - if it were otherwise I might give up
before I ever make it into the kitchen.
Hey, Pain - you want some coffee?

After the coffee, Pain says that I shouldn't take a shower,
that it'll hurt even worse if I try to wash.  But I'm not driving to the store looking like this, so I say, "No, I'm showering."

"Driving to the store?  Seriously?  Who are you trying to fool with that? 
I don't feel like going to the store, so you aren't going either!"
Hey!  How 'bout this?  Maybe I could go and you could stay here! 
No?  C'mon!  ...just this once?

It's good to be stubborn when you need to go somewhere - if it were otherwise I might give up
before I ever make it into the car.
Hey, Pain - you need anything at the store?

Made it back and it's evening now; quiet and dark, time to slow down. 
Glass of wine and a good book, pillows and soft music.
Slow down, slow down...

No!  Not ready!  Not ready to go to bed!
Please?  ...oh well.
I really hate sleeping with you, you know.

It's good to be drugged when it's time to lie down - if it were otherwise I might give up
before I ever make it into the bedroom.
Hey, Pain - just go to sleep, would you?  Or go to Hell - either one's OK with me -
No?  C'mon...

Oh.  Wait.  This IS Hell.

Goodnight, Pain.


1 comment:

  1. Your poem I loved. Your prose is painful but very forcefully put, if you know what I mean.
    BTW, the security word (or whatever these things are called before making a comment) on your poem was "demone" ... weird, or what?
